This script basically do the following:-
- Remove all old the snapshot of the Base Image except the latest snapshot
- Create a new snapshot on the Base Image for the link clone. The name of the snapshot is the current date and time.
- Create a new link clone pool using the latest snapshot (just created) using the following name as parameters
- $cluster - Cluster
- $pool_id - Pool ID
- $displayname - Display Name
- $datastore - The Datastore for storing the Link Clone
- $minimumcount - Minimum number of VMs
- $maximumcount - Maximum number of VMs
- $vcenteraddy - The full path of the Vcenter Server
- $folder - the folder of the base image (we use the same location to keep the Link clone folder)
- $ou - the Organizational unit in the Active Directory
- $entitlementName - the group name in Active Directory that are entitled to this group
- $parentvm - the VM name of the base image
- There are a few policy has been set by default and you could modify that in the first section of the script.
- $headroomCount = 2
- $refreshpolicytype = "Never"
- $deletepolicy = "DeleteOnUse"
- $powerpolicy = "AlwaysOn"
- $autologofftime = 540
- $IsUserResetAllowed = $true
- $nameprefix = $pool_id + "{n:fixed=2}"
- Pre-requisite for this script to work for you
- You are happy to have the LC folders under the same folder of your Base Image are contained.
- All base image should be turned off and do ipconfig /release before doing so.
- You should have planned all the parameters e.g datastore, clusters,...etc on a spreadsheet for all the pools, then you can use a simple formula in Excel to create the script.
- Here's an example of using this script (assume this script is saved as LC.ps1)
------Start of the scripts--------
param ($cluster, $pool_id, $displayname, $datastore, $minimumcount, $maximumcount, $vcenteraddy, $folder, $OU, $entitlementName, $parentvm)
#Connect to vcenter and set some other variables
Connect-VIServer $vcenteraddy
Get-Datacenter | set-Variable -name datacenter
$headroomCount = 2
$refreshpolicytype = "Never"
$deletepolicy = "DeleteOnUse"
$powerpolicy = "AlwaysOn"
$autologofftime = 540
$IsUserResetAllowed = $true
$nameprefix = $pool_id + "{n:fixed=2}"
set-variable -name vmfolderpath -value /$datacenter/vm/$folder
$VM = Get-Folder $folder | Get-VM -Name $parentvm
$p = get-date.Year + get-date.Month + get-date.Day + get-date.Hour + get-date.minute + get-date.second
Get-Snapshot -VM $VM -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | select Id, Created | Sort-Object Created -descending
$Snap = Get-Snapshot -VM $VM -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | Sort-Object Created -descending
$count = 0
foreach ($s in $Snap){
if ($count -gt 0) {
Write-host "Removing Snapshot"
Remove-Snapshot -Snapshot $s -confirm:$false
$count = $count - 1
Write-Host $count
Write-Host $p
Get-VM $VM | New-Snapshot -Name $p
Write-Host "New Snapshot created"
$snapshots = Get-Snapshot -VM $VM -WarningAction SilentlyContinue | select VM, Name, @{Name="Age";Expression={((Get-Date)-$_.Created).Hours}} | Sort-Object Age
$parentsnapshotpath = ""
foreach ($s in $snapshots){
$parentsnapshotpath = "/" + $s.Name + $parentsnapshotpath
write-host $parentsnapshotpath
get-composerdomain | add-automaticlinkedclonepool -pool_id $pool_id -displayname $displayname -nameprefix $nameprefix -vmfolderpath $vmfolderpath -parentvmpath /$datacenter/vm/$folder/$parentvm -resourcepoolpath /$datacenter/host/$cluster/Resources -parentsnapshotpath $parentsnapshotpath -datastorespecs "[Conservative,OS,data]/$datacenter/host/$cluster/$datastore" -persistence Nonpersistent -organizationalUnit $OU -minimumcount $minimumcount -maximumcount $maximumcount -headroomCount $headroomCount -refreshpolicytype $refreshpolicytype -deletepolicy $deletepolicy -powerpolicy $powerpolicy -autologofftime $autologofftime -IsUserResetAllowed $IsUserResetAllowed
Write-Host "Pool created sucessfully. Now I will entitle it."
$entitlement = Get-User -name $entitlementName
Get-Pool -pool_id $pool_id | Add-PoolEntitlement -sid $entitlement.sid
Write-Host "Entitled and building VMs."
Write-Host "THE END"
---------end of the script-----------
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