If you have some special group of desktop shared by a team, you may have the similar issue as me that the hard disk space used up quickly simply because of the temp file (like the ost file of outlook).
I have written a script to monitor the freespace of a few machines...
First of all, I create a freespace.bat file like this
----start of freespace.bat-----
@echo off
for /f "usebackq delims== tokens=2" %%x in (`wmic /node:%1 logicaldisk where "DeviceID='C:'" get FreeSpace /format:value`) do (set tx1234=%%x)
for /f "usebackq delims== tokens=2" %%x in (`wmic /node:%1 logicaldisk where "DeviceID='C:'" get Size /format:value`) do (set txsi=%%x)
echo %1;%tx1234%;%txsi%
----end of freespace.bat-----
This script basically will poll the PC that you specified provide the freespace and the disksize of c-drive.
The usage is like this
freespace.bat <hostname>
If you have a list of machines, then, you can simply put their hostname into a text file, e.g. deskfree.txt and then use the following batch file to check their freespace and echo the results into a text file.
----start of mon.bat-------
@echo off
del /q deskfree.txt
for /f %%y in (desk.txt) Do freespace %%y >> deskfree.txt
------end of mon.bat--------
Great script, Thanks for sharing..
wmic doesn`t work on XP Home
ReplyDeleteI got this error messagem when i ran the scripts above, please advise, thanks.
Error message :
C:\TEST\diskspace>freespace DAL-TST-VIS-DB 1>>deskfree.txt
Invalid Global Switch.
Invalid Global Switch.
C:\TEST\diskspace>freespace DAL-TST-VIS-DB 1>>deskfree.txt
Invalid Global Switch.
Invalid Global Switch.
@ppp888: I assume DAL-TST-VIS-DB is the hostname of the PC you would like to monitor.
ReplyDeleteMay I know if you are running this script with an account that has the local admin right for DAL-TST-VIS-DB?
Moreover, what kind of version of XP you are running on DAL-TST-VIS-DB?
Yes. You need to have local admin right before you can run those script.
DeleteThe version is XP professional. I have not tried XP home.
Hi Fei,
ReplyDeleteHope you doing good.
From my machine , i want to verify servers disk space.
Everyday manually i am dng RDC to verify dispace.
Do we have any automatica script , that will be helpful.
For ex , abc is my system def is clients machine.... and how to modify above script and where to provide id & pwd of def machine etc.....
It would be great help if you send your query.
If you have active directory that hold all the server, you may use a domain account with local admin right to those server to run the script.
DeleteIf you do not have a domain, you probably have to use some 3rd party tools e.g. AutoIT script to store the username and password. There is no way to do that in command line for saving password.
You can however, use PowerShell script as well if your server have powershell installed. Powershell can save the password in the script.
DeleteGreat script. It can be used also from Windows 7 without administrator privileges, just what i neeeded.