I have a need to check the model of list of PC. The only information I have is their service tag.
It may take desktop engineers a long time to check one by one if they do not have this record correctly.
I have written an auto-it script which basically do the following.
1. Load the list of the service tag from "c:\temp\tag.lst" into an array
2. For each service tag, do the following
a. Open up the Dell Service tag website (http://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en/19/product-support/servicetag/<your service tag>/diagnose?s=BSD)
b. Download the file and search for the string "supportproductselected"
c. Extract the string in between "supportproductselect" and "/>"
3. Export the results into c:\temp\tagresult.txt
You need to install Auto-it before you can run this script and you need to put all your service tag into a text file "tag.lst" which has one service tag per line.
Here's the detail script for your reference.
#include <String.au3>
#include <array.au3>
#include <IE.au3>
#include <file.au3>
Local Const $sFilePath = "c:\temp\Tagresult.txt"
; Create a temporary file to read data from.
If Not _FileCreate($sFilePath) Then Return MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "An error occurred whilst writing the result file.")
$fresult = FileOpen($sFilePath, $FO_APPEND)
If $fresult = -1 Then
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "An error occurred when reading the result file.")
Return False
$list = FileReadToArray("c:\temp\tag.lst")
If @error Then
MsgBox($MB_SYSTEMMODAL, "", "There was an error reading the file. @error: " & @error) ; An error occurred reading the current script file.
For $i = 0 To UBound($list) - 1 ; Loop through the array.
FileWriteLine($fresult, $list[$i] & "," & tag($list[$i]))
func tag($word)
$oIE = Inetget("http://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en/19/product-support/servicetag/" & $word & "/diagnose?s=BSD", "c:\temp\tag.txt")
$f = fileopen("c:\temp\tag.txt",0)
$con = fileread($f)
$s = stringinstr($con, "supportproductselected")
$t = stringInstr($con, "content=", 0,1, stringinstr($con, "supportproductselected"))
$product = stringmid($con, $t+8, stringinstr($con, "/>", 0,1, $t)-$t-8)
consolewrite (chr(34) & $word & chr(34) & ", " & $product &@CRLF)
return $product