Friday, June 28, 2013

Vsphere PowerShell Script (1) - Update Network Adapter

This is a powershell script that help you to update the Network Adapter for the virtual machine in ESXi.

You can save this moveNet.ps1 and you will need to login to the ESXi server or your Vcenter before you can run this script.

The script basically help you to update the NetworkAdapter attribute of the Virtual machine using the Set-NetworkAdapter function.

In order to ensure the virtual machine get a new ip address after the network is changed, we put in some check to determine if the machine is powered on. If that's online, we will do ipconfig /release before updating the networkadapter and do an ipconfig /renew after that.

To use this script, in the PowerCli windows, after you connect to your ESXi or VCenter, you should run

./moveNet.ps1 -vmname VM123 -newnetwork VLAN1 -administrator Administrator -password password

Please refer to the detail and modify that to suit your environment!!

----start of moveNet.ps1-----

Param($vmname, $newnetwork, $administrator, $password)

$VM = Get-VM -Name $vmname
if ($vm.powerstate -eq "PoweredOff") {
Get-VM -Name $vmname | Get-NetworkAdapter | Set-NetworkAdapter -NetworkName $newnetwork -confirm:$false

if ($vm.powerstate -eq "PoweredOn") {
Invoke-VMScript "ipconfig /release" -vm $VM -GuestUser $administrator -GuestPassword $password -ScriptType "bat"
Get-VM -Name $vmname | Get-NetworkAdapter | Set-NetworkAdapter -NetworkName $newnetwork -confirm:$false
Invoke-VMScript "ipconfig /renew" -vm $VM -GuestUser $administrator -GuestPassword $password -ScriptType "bat"

-----end of script-----

Script to force install all windows update or patches

I would like to post the script I used to update the base image for my VDI project for Windows XP, Vista or Windows.


1. You need to have Windows XP SP3 or above and installed at least the Windows update agent  7.4.7600.226

2. You need to create the following files
  • wua.vbs
  • update.bat
The wua.vbs is modified from the microsoft wua.vbs script that contact the Windows update website to download upgrade. This script has been updated to download all patches and skipped all the prompt to save time.

Update.bat simply ensure the Windows update service is enabled before running wua.vbs.

Here's the detail of the script. Please make sure you put these two scripts in the same directory before you run it.

a. wua.vbs

This is actually a vbscript from Microsoft which use the Windows update agent to get the update.

Set updateSession = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.Session")
updateSession.ClientApplicationID = "MSDN Sample Script"

Set updateSearcher = updateSession.CreateUpdateSearcher()
WScript.Echo "Searching for updates..." & vbCRLF
Set searchResult = _
updateSearcher.Search("IsInstalled=0 and Type='Software' and IsHidden=0")

WScript.Echo "List of applicable items on the machine:"
For I = 0 To searchResult.Updates.Count-1
    Set update = searchResult.Updates.Item(I)
    WScript.Echo I + 1 & "> " & update.Title

If searchResult.Updates.Count = 0 Then
    WScript.Echo "There are no applicable updates."
End If

WScript.Echo vbCRLF & "Creating collection of updates to download:"
Set updatesToDownload = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl")
For I = 0 to searchResult.Updates.Count-1
    Set update = searchResult.Updates.Item(I)
    addThisUpdate = false
    If update.InstallationBehavior.CanRequestUserInput = true Then
        WScript.Echo I + 1 & "> skipping: " & update.Title & _
        " because it requires user input"
        If update.EulaAccepted = false Then
            WScript.Echo I + 1 & "> note: " & update.Title & _
            " has a license agreement that must be accepted:"
            WScript.Echo update.EulaText
            WScript.Echo "Do you accept this license agreement? (Y/N)"
                addThisUpdate = true
            addThisUpdate = true
        End If
    End If
    If addThisUpdate = true Then
        WScript.Echo I + 1 & "> adding: " & update.Title
    End If

If updatesToDownload.Count = 0 Then
    WScript.Echo "All applicable updates were skipped."
End If
WScript.Echo vbCRLF & "Downloading updates..."

Set downloader = updateSession.CreateUpdateDownloader()
downloader.Updates = updatesToDownload

Set updatesToInstall = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl")
rebootMayBeRequired = false
WScript.Echo vbCRLF & "Successfully downloaded updates:"
For I = 0 To searchResult.Updates.Count-1
    set update = searchResult.Updates.Item(I)
    If update.IsDownloaded = true Then
        WScript.Echo I + 1 & "> " & update.Title
        If update.InstallationBehavior.RebootBehavior > 0 Then
            rebootMayBeRequired = true
        End If
    End If

If updatesToInstall.Count = 0 Then
    WScript.Echo "No updates were successfully downloaded."
End If

If rebootMayBeRequired = true Then
    WScript.Echo vbCRLF & "These updates may require a reboot."
End If

WScript.Echo  vbCRLF & "Would you like to install updates now? (Y/N)"
strInput = "y"

If (strInput = "Y" or strInput = "y") Then
    WScript.Echo "Installing updates..."
    Set installer = updateSession.CreateUpdateInstaller()
    installer.Updates = updatesToInstall
    Set installationResult = installer.Install()

    'Output results of install
    WScript.Echo "Installation Result: " & _
    WScript.Echo "Reboot Required: " & _
    installationResult.RebootRequired & vbCRLF
    WScript.Echo "Listing of updates installed " & _
    "and individual installation results:"

    For I = 0 to updatesToInstall.Count - 1
        WScript.Echo I + 1 & "> " & _
        updatesToInstall.Item(i).Title & _
        ": " & installationResult.GetUpdateResult(i).ResultCode
End If

b. update.bat

sc config wuauserv start= demand
sc start wuauserv
cscript  wua.vbs