It is very painful to go to each server one by one to do this, so I written a simple Powershell script to check.
You will need to prepare for a text file (Servers.txt) which list all your servers you want to check. (One hostname in each line). This Servers.txt file should be in the same location as your service.ps1 script.
---start of service.ps1 script----------------------
$compArray = get-content .\Servers.txt
foreach($strComputer in $compArray)
echo $strComputer
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Get-WmiObject Win32_Service -ComputerName $strComputer | Where {$_.StartMode -like "*Auto*"}| select-object DisplayName,Name,StartMode,StartName
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Get-WmiObject Win32_Service -ComputerName $strComputer | Where {$_.StartMode -like "*Manual*"}| select-object DisplayName,Name,StartMode,StartName
echo --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
---end of service.ps1 script----------------------
To run that script, you just need to login with an account with Local Administrator right for all servers needed and run the following command in the Powershell
.\services.ps1 | out-file results.txt